CTO Panel: The Future of Cloud Platforms
Speaking at the Robert Frances Group to the financial services user community.
Pivotal: "Consensus in Cloud Foundry"
Presenting **A Matter of Time**, a 30-minute talk.
Pivotal Labs Tech Talk: "A Matter of Time"
Presenting **A Matter of Time**, a 30-minute talk.
beCamp: "Distributed Consensus"
Presenting **Distributed Consensus**, a 30-minute talk.
HackCville: "How to Build Better Software"
Presenting **How to Build Better Software**, a 20-minute talk.
Automacon: "Continuous Everything"
Presenting **Continuous Everything**, a 20-minute talk.
O'Reilly OSCON: "Getting Under Your Hood: Cars and Computers"
Presenting **Getting Under Your Hood: Cars and Computers**, a 40-minute talk.
CascadiaJS: "A Matter of Time"
Presenting **A Matter of Time**, a 40-minute talk.
O'Reilly Velocity: "Picking the Right Metrics"
Presenting **Picking the Right Metrics**, a talk about choosing good visual tools for humans.
GeeCON 2015: "A Matter of Time"
Presenting **A Matter of Time**, a 40-minute talk.
Redux: Papers We Love DC: Coresets
Discussing Dan Feldman's Ph.D. thesis, "Coresets and their applications".
Papers We Love DC: Coresets
Discussing Dan Feldman's Ph.D. thesis, "Coresets and their applications".
UVA's second annual hackathon.
beSwarm 6
Charlottesville's 6th annual technology unconference.